Shawn Staton's Portfolio

Full Stack Developer

Contact Me

Phone: (859) 321-6963

About Me:

I come from a background of hospitality and labor field I wanted to change gears and work towards a career. So I attended Awesome Inc's Web Development Bootcamp. a 16 week program where every week we had a project after learning a different part of a stack. I have built a project from the front-end to the back, which is the Esports Tracker.


Esports Tracker (OverWatch)

Stack: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, React, Python, SQL, and Django

Tracks video game leagues such as Overwatch, Rocket league, and League of Legends I made my own API for this to function correctly. The home page only appears at first, but once you sign-in you can see the other pages in the nav bar.

Weather App

Stack: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript

An app that when you input your zip code will give you weather information of that area. This app pulls from an API when you enter any national zipcode. This project I had to learn how to make HTML elements in JavaScript. I also was trying to be more dynamic in my code. I wrote a for loop to make all my cards so I didn’t have to repeat code.

Alarm Clock

Stack: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

A clock that you can set an alarm and then hit the snooze button to stop the alarm. One of my earlier projects. When using it you have to mimic the time format of the actual clock. Then when the alarm goes off (with sound) you can hit the snooze button to stop it. This app introduced to me, and how I can Manipulate it to display the clock the way I want it to operate. Example how I can write a line of code to make the clock a 12 hour clock instead of 24 hour.

Todo List

Stack: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, React


Stack: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript,